We describe biosensor elements that are capable of identifying individual D
NA strands with single-base resolution. Each biosensor element consists of
an individual DNA oligonucleotide covalently attached within the lumen of t
he cc-hemolysin (alpha HL) pore to form a "DNA-nanopore". The binding of si
ngle-stranded DNA (ssDNA) molecules to the tethered DNA strand causes chang
es in the ionic current flowing through a nanopore. On the basis of DNA dup
lex lifetimes. the DNA-nanopores are able to discriminate between individua
l DNA strands up to 30 nucleotides in length differing by a single base sub
stitution. This was exemplified by the detection of a drug resistance-confe
rring mutation in the reverse transcriptase gene of HIV. In addition, the a
pproach was used to sequence a complete codon in an individual DNA strand t
ethered to a nanopore.