A novel methodology for extrapolation of the performance of ITER class mach
ines is introduced. This procedure utilizes the ITER ELMy H mode database b
y means of a similarity approach where every discharge is extrapolated to a
machine satisfying the ITER performance requirements through the use of th
e tokamak system code developed during the course of the ITER design evolut
ion. This approach attempts, amongst other things, to overcome the difficul
ty associated with the simultaneous choice of non-dimensional parameters wh
ich, in particular when close to their respective limits, may have some sig
nificant mutual interactions affecting energy confinement time. The methodo
logy is also applied to the ITER Physics Basis scalings to develop a non-st
atistical approach where fusion power is extrapolated at constant beta and
confinement is assumed to follow a gyroBohm form. In both cases, out of mor
e than a thousand discharges in the ELMy H mode database, less than half tu
rn out to extrapolate to a Q = 10 machine whose major radius is smaller tha
n 8 m. However, a significant number of discharges do extrapolate to a Q =
10 machine with R < 6.2 m. This strengthens confidence in the present choic
e of ITER parameters. In addition, from this analysis, it has been possible
to identify a set of high performance 'ITER relevant' discharges from a nu
mber of machines, which could be used as starting points for investigation
of further improvements in confinement.