Classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are performed to investigate
elementary ion-beam-induced defect production in 3C- and 4H-SiC. A modified
Tersoff potential is used to model the interactions between the atoms. For
cases where the C and Si primary knockon atoms (PKAs) start parallel or an
tiparallel to the [0001] direction, the threshold PKA energy for defect for
mation as well as the final defect configuration and its formation energy a
re determined. The elementary defects observed in 3C-SiC and 4H-SiC differ
significantly whereas the corresponding threshold PKA energies and the form
ation energies of the configurations are mostly similar. In 3H-SiC new site
s for C and Si interstitials are found: one site is situated between two C3
Si3 hexagonal rings, the other between a C-3 and an Si-3 trigonal ring. (C)
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