Purpose. To develop a two-dimensional simulation platform for the transport
of doxorubicin to the hepatoma. To examine the temporal and spatial variat
ion of doxorubicin concentration and its penetration into the tumor and the
surrounding normal tissues.
Methods. Simulations are carried out with Fluent/UNS using the finite volum
e method to obtain the interstitial fluid pressure, velocity, and concentra
tion profiles.
Results. Interstitial fluid pressure in the tumor and core reaches a steady
state value in about 800 s, corresponding well with the assumed time scale
for interstitial matrix fluid percolation (similar to 1000 s). There is a
strong correlation between the drug concentration in the interstitial space
of tumor and blood plasma for time > > 1 h. Concentration of doxorubicin i
s highest in the viable zone of the tumor at early times and in the necroti
c core at later times, and lowest in the surrounding normal tissues. Diffus
ion is the dominant form of transport for doxorubicin.
Conclusions. Varying the volume of solution injected, while keeping the dos
age the same, does not cause significant changes in the amount and distribu
tion of drug in the tumor. A higher vascular exchange area leads to higher
concentrations of drug in the tumor. Lymphatic drainage in the tumor causes
negligible reductions in the mean concentrations in all three different zo
nes. Cellular metabolism and DNA binding kinetics decrease the mean concent
rations of drug by about 15 to 40%, as compared to the baseline case.