Alternative models of cell mechanics depict the living cell as a simple mec
hanical continuum, porous filament gel, tensed cortical membrane, or tenseg
rity network that maintains a stabilizing prestress through incorporation o
f discrete structural elements that bear compression. Real-time microscopic
analysis of cells containing GFP-labeled microtubules and associated mitoc
hondria revealed that living cells behave like discrete structures composed
of an interconnected network of actin microfilaments and microtubules when
mechanical stresses are applied to cell surface integrin receptors, Quanti
tation of cell tractional forces and cellular prestress by using traction f
orce microscopy confirmed that microtubules bear compression and are respon
sible for a significant portion of the cytoskeletal prestress that determin
es cell shape stability under conditions in which myosin light chain phosph
orylation and intracellular calcium remained unchanged. Quantitative measur
ements of both static and dynamic mechanical behaviors in cells also were c
onsistent with specific a priori predictions of the tensegrity model. These
findings suggest that tensegrity represents a unified model of cell mechan
ics that may help to explain how mechanical behaviors emerge through collec
tive interactions among different cytoskeletal filaments and extracellular
adhesions in living cells.