Soluble M-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNAR
E) proteins of the syntaxin, SNAP-25, and VAMP families mediate intracellul
ar membrane fusion through the formation of helical bundles that span oppos
ing membranes. Soluble SNARE domains that lack their integral membrane anch
ors inhibit membrane fusion by forming nonfunctional complexes with endogen
ous SNARE proteins. In this study we investigate the dependence of membrane
fusion on the concentration of a soluble SNARE coil domain derived from VA
MP2, The increase in the inhibition of fusion observed with increasing conc
entration of inhibitor is best fit to a function that suggests three SNARE
complexes cooperate to mediate fusion of a single vesicle. These three comp
lexes likely contribute part of a protein and lipidic fusion pore.