Male rats were injected bilaterally with various doses of L-3,3',5-triiodot
hyronine (T-3)) into basal forebrain areas. The electroencephalogram (EEG),
electromyogram (EMG) and brain temperature (Tbr) were then measured in 8-h
studies. In the medial preoptic area (MPA), a 4 mug dose of T-3 caused sig
nificant elevations in REM sleep as compared to control injections. In the
median preoptic nucleus (MnPO), both 2 and 4 mug doses of T-3 significantly
inhibited non-REM sleep. Injections to the diagonal band of Broca did not
alter EEG-defined sleep. Influences on Tbr were not significant for any of
the treatments. Since these effects of T-3 were demonstrated after acute in
jections, the data are consistent with possible non-genomic actions of thyr
oid hormones in adult brain.