The migration of radionuclides from waste repositories to the biosphere pot
entially leads to a contamination of soil. Due to the importance of food pr
oduction, the mobilisation and accumulation behaviour of long-lived radionu
clides in the soil plays a key role in performance assessment studies. In t
his paper, the main features and processes that control radionuclide behavi
our in soil, such as pH, redox potential and sorption to organic and inorga
nic soil components, are discussed for the radionuclides Cl-36, Se-79,I-129
, Tc-99, Np-237 and U-238, that are usually most relevant in long-tel-m saf
ety assessments of nuclear waste. The interaction of radionuclide behaviour
in soil with environmental factors, such as temperature and humidity as we
ll as farming practices are discussed. The possible impact of future soil d
evelopment on long-term behaviour in soil are taken into consideration. Due
to the physiological constraints of plant growth, appropriate soil conditi
ons for growth will probably not be substantially different from current re
quirements, bearing in mind that sustainable agriculture strives for optima
l plant growth. Against this background, present-day parameters may in gene
ral be considered appropriate for roughly estimating the behaviour of radio
nuclides in the soil-plant system.