Intra-uterine manipulation of mammalian foetuses for experimental purp
oses was first described at the beginning of this century (Wolff, 1919
). Though numerous publications have appeared since which bear witness
to the feasibility of intra-uterine manipulation, its application has
remained rather restricted. In this paper we describe a technique for
the trans-uterine injection of neuronal tracers into rat foetuses. Ut
erine wall and foetal membranes are pierced only with a micro pipette,
and are thus left virtually intact, preventing loss of amniotic fluid
. Surgical mortality is 24% overall, but the experimental success rate
is much lower (23%). Even so these results are comparable to more com
plicated procedures, because the technique is simple (i.e. requires no
micro surgical skill), and because up to 6 foetuses can be injected p
er dam. Technical problems. such as foetal anaesthesia and the detecti
on of false-negative results due to imponderable factors are discussed