As part of the EXPRESSO program (EXPeriment for the REgional Sources and Si
nks of Oxidants), biosphere-atmosphere exchanges of trace gases were invest
igated in a ground-based forest site of the Republic of Congo. Experiments
were carried out in March and November-December 1996. A 60-meter walkup tow
er was erected in an undisturbed mixed tropical forest typical of upland ve
getation in the Nouabale-Ndoki National Park. Eight belt transects radiatin
g from the tower were used to characterize the species composition and stru
cture of the upland mixed forest. As a comparison. and to investigate horiz
ontal heterogeneity of the trace gases exchanges, additional measurements w
ere made in a nearby monospecific forest stand characteristic of lowland Gi
lbertiodendron dewevrei (Gilbert. dew.) forest. Micrometeorological data, t
race gas concentrations and flux measurements were made from the tower. We
report daily above-canopy variation in temperature and radiation. energy pa
rtitioning into latent and sensible heat flux, volatile organic compound (V
OC) mixing ratios, isoprene and CO2 fluxes. Fluxes of isoprene and CO2 were
measured above the canopy using relaxed eddy accumulation and eddy covaria
nce methods, respectively. These fluxes show a seasonal variation between t
he two experiments, as does energy partitioning. However, difference in iso
prene emission between the two seasons are difficult to reconcile with mete
orological (T. PAR) data only, and more data such as plant water potential
are needed to modeled the seasonal isoprene emission cycle. Isoprene emissi
on at the leaf level was also determined for plant species at both upland a
nd lowland sites using environmentally controlled leaf enclosures. Together
with the ecological survey, the leaf level work suggests that lowland Gilb
ert. dew. forests act as hot spots in terms of isoprene emissions. Future c
limate and land use changes could greatly affect the isoprene regional emis
sion estimate through changes in the respective proportion of the upland an
d lowland forests, and the extent of dry versus wet season.