This article presents the needs for and the challenges of commissioning liv
estock buildings. Data collected from a newly built large swine building an
d recent research on ventilation performance revealed that commissioning of
livestock buildings is needed and that commissioning procedures can be dif
ferent from those for office and commercial buildings. Standards and guidel
ines for the design, construction, evaluation, and management of livestock
buildings must be established. These needs are more apparent as the livesto
ck industry becomes more integrated, livestock buildings become larger and
more capital is required. Aspects of building performance for which commiss
ioning appears necessary include infiltration or exfiltration, system venti
lation capacity ventilation effectiveness, air distribution, maximum heatin
g or cooling capability temperature and relative humidity responses, and co
ntrollability of ventilation equipment. Commissioning livestock buildings p
resents both technical and economical challenges because the process must b
e technically feasible and economically justified.