We estimate probability densities of orbital elements, periods and eccentri
cities, for the population of extrasolar planetary candidates (EPC) and, se
parately, for the population of spectroscopic binaries (SB) with solar-type
primaries. We construct empirical cumulative distribution functions (CDFs)
in order to infer probability distribution functions (PDFs) for orbital pe
riods and eccentricities. We also derive a joint probability density for pe
riod-eccentricity pairs in each population. Comparison of respective distri
butions reveals that in all cases EPC and SB populations are, in the contex
t of orbital elements, indistinguishable from each other to a high degree o
f statistical significance. Probability densities of orbital periods in bot
h populations have similar toP(-1) functional form, whereas the PDFs of ecc
entricities can be best characterized as a Gaussian with a mean of about 0.
35 and standard deviation of about 0.2 turning into a at distribution at sm
all values of eccentricity. These remarkable similarities between EPC and S
B must be taken into account by theories aimed at explaining the origin of
extrasolar planetary candidates, and constitute an important clue as to the
ir ultimate nature.