On-site storage facilities, consisting of ponds with water for irradiated R
BMK-1000 fuel are now close to being filled. To continue operating nuclear
power plants with RBMK reactors, it is necessary to select one possible met
hod for handling irradiated fuel.
A variant of long-term storage followed by reprocessing is examined and con
siderations are presented for future use of reprocessed irradiated RBMK and
VVER fuel as fuel for an initial load for naturally-safe fast reactor Impo
rtant points in handling irradiated RBMK-1000 fuel include economic assessm
ents and requirements for a strategy for development of nuclear power in Ru
ssia based on closure of the nuclear fuel cycle with radiation-equivalent b
urial of wastes and utilization of accumulated plutonium for fast reactors.
3 figures, 2 tables, 8 references.