The long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a congenital disease, typically associa
ted with life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias torsade de pointes.
Cardiac conduction system abnormalities are infrequently observed in L
QTS patients. Seventeen-year-old female was admitted to our Department
after cardiac resuscitation due to second incident of cardiac arrest
within the last year. The base for cardiac arrest was torsade de point
es and ventricular fibrillation. The electrocardiogram showed QTc inte
rval of 520 msec. Serum calcium, magnesium and potassium were normal.
The patient was referred for electrophysiological study. There were no
arrhythmias induced. The HV conduction reminded normal until extrasti
mulus coupling interval of 480 msec (S1S1=600 msec). At shorter coupli
ng intervals the His-Purkinje conduction time increased progressively
and was blocked by 420 msec. Recordings of monophasic action potential
s from right ventricular midseptal region showed humps corresponding t
o early afterdepolarizations. The patient was placed on atenolol and r
eferred for ICD implantation.