Deviant stimuli give rise to a late positive ERP component with latencies f
rom 250 to 400 ms. Target deviants elicit a P300 with maximum amplitude ove
r parieto-central recording sites while the 'P300' elicited by deviant nont
arget stimuli occurs somewhat earlier and shows a more frontally-oriented s
calp distribution. Two varieties of frontal P300s have been described, elic
ited either by rare stimuli (target or nontarget) presented in a two-stimul
us oddball task (P3a) or by infrequent, unrecognizable stimuli presented in
the context of a three-stimulus oddball task (Novelty-P3). The Novelty-P3
has been observed in a number of subsequent studies; the P3a has not been e
xtensively studied and both its significance and existence have been called
into question. The present report describes a replication of two prototypi
cal studies with 'frontal' P3s observed in each context. Application of fac
tor analysis to the two sets of ERP waveforms does not support a distinctio
n between these two components. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights r