Production of eicosapolyenoic lipids by the fungus Pythium debarianum
grown on two media was studied. The contents of C-20:4 and C-20:5 acid
s in the lipids of the fungus were found to depend on the growth phase
and the size of the total lipid pool. The ratio between these acids w
as found to alter in favor of arachidonic acid during the transition o
f the culture to the stationary growth phase, when the total lipid con
tent increased at the expense of triacylglycerols. When protein hydrol
ysate obtained from food industry wastes was used as the main source o
f nitrogen in the medium, the yield of C-20:4 acid was 144 and 197 mg/
l after 72 and 120 h of cultivation, respectively, and the yield of C-
20:5 acid was 102 mg/l after 72 h and 135 mg/l after 120 h. A medicina
l preparation, ultraemulsion, obtained on the basis of P. debarianum l
ipids exhibited a hypocholesterolemic effect in experiments with rabbi
ts. Therefore, Lipids of this fungus may be suggested as the basis for
the production of eicosapolyenoic medicinal preparations.