The Diptera are the second most important order among flower-visiting (anth
ophilous) and flower-pollinating insects worldwide. Their taxonomic diversi
ty ranges from Nematocera to Brachycera, including most families within the
suborders. Especially important are Syrphidae, Bombyliidae, and Muscoidea.
Other families, especially of small flies, are less appreciated and often
overlooked for their associations with flowers. We have compiled records of
their flower visitations to show that they may be more prevalent than usua
lly thought. Our knowledge of anthophilous Diptera needs to be enhanced by
future research concerning (i) the significance of nocturnal Nematocera and
acalypterate muscoids as pollinators, (ii) the extent to which the relativ
ely ineffective pollen-carrying ability of some taxa can be compensated by
the abundance of individuals, and (iii) the role of Diptera as pollinators
of the first flowering plants (Angiospermae) by using phylogenetic and pala
eontological evidence. Specializations in floral relationships involve the
morphology of Diptera, especially of their mouthparts, nutritional requirem
ents, and behaviour, as well as concomitant floral attributes. The South Af
rican flora has the most highly specialized relations with dipterous pollin
ators, but in arctic and alpine generalist fly-newer relations are importan
t in pollination and fly nutrition.