The ex vivo expansion of human T-lymphocytes is of increasing importance in
medical applications, especially for the adoptive immunotherapy of viral i
nfection and malignant diseases of immunosuppressed patients. In these the
rapies, the cells of the patient (dendritic cells or lymphocytes for exampl
e) are isolated from the blood and subsequently cultivated, expanded, and/o
r genetically modified er vivo [1,2], Afterwards, these expanded or modifie
d cells are transplanted back into the patient (Fig. 1). For example, patie
nts with leukaemia are very susceptible to otherwise harmless infections li
ke cytomegalovirus (CMV) after chemo- and radiotherapy or bone marrow trans
plantation. The use of CMV specific cytotoxic T-lymphocytes can reduce the
risk of such infections. These lymphocytes are cultivated together with ant
igen presenting cells, leading to the proliferation of specific T-lymphocyt
es which act against CMV. Peptides or proteins of the viral capsid can act
as such antigens.
For one medical application 2(.)10(9) specific cells are necessary. This am
ount of cells can not be isolated from donated blood. Usually there are > 1
00 specific T-lymphocytes in one donation. In some cases (e.g. CMV) up to 1
0(5) specific cells can be found, but there is still a demand for cell expa
nsion before therapy. It is very difficult to produce such an amount of cel
ls with conventional cultivation techniques like tissue culture flasks or c
ulture bags. There is also a permanent risk of contamination with microorga
nisms. Therefore biotechnological methods are necessary which unable the cu
ltivation of such an amount of cells under controlled conditions with a rep
roducible course of events. A controlled change of culture medium, the proc
ess control of pH, pO(2), and temperature, the easy sampling during cultiva
tion and collection of cells after cultivation is of increasing importance.
To produce clinical relevant numbers of specific T-lymphocytes. 70 tissue
culture flasks (T75) would be needed. With regard to easy sampling during c
ultivation and isolation of the cells before transplantation, we endeavour
to produce cells in high density culture systems. The production of a relev
ant number of cells is possible in one culture system with cell retention.
There are different systems available, for example fed-batch processes or p
erfusion systems with cell retention by filtration, or continuously centrif
The aim of this investigation was to optimize the conditions for the select
ive activation and cultivation of human T-lymphocytes in tissue culture fla
sks starting with mononuclear cells (MNC). Afterwards a transfer of the opt
imized culture conditions to a high density culture system is presented.