PURPOSE This article describes the systems-based conceptual framework for t
he definition of diabetes education outcomes and the development of the Nat
ional Diabetes Education Outcomes System (NDEOS).
METHODS Development of the NDEOS was based on integrating diabetes educatio
n into the diabetes care system; identifying and tracking standardized lear
ning, behavioural, and clinical outcomes measurements; and gathering data a
t the individual, program, and national levels. Each component was formulat
ed based on available literature and through consensus with the American As
sociation of Diabetes Educators (AADE) Outcomes Task Force and other multid
isciplinary healthcare professionals.
RESULTS Behavior change is the key outcome measurement for diabetes self-ma
nagement education (DSME). In addition, diabetes educators should collect o
ther immediate, intermediate, and long-term outcomes for monitoring the imp
act of DSME. The NDEOS system includes standardized data collection tools f
or the participant, the educator, and the program manager, and provides rep
orts at the individual, program, and national levels.
CONCLUSIONS By capturing outcomes data using valid, reliable, and evidence-
based tools, the NDEOS strives to support diabetes educators and provide a
uniform data set that can be used to influence public policy, support reimb
ursement negotiations, and assist researchers.