Cross-situational stability in parents' emotional warmth and guidance was s
tudied by observing parents (N = 77, M age = 38 years) with their school-ag
ed child in 2 dyadic problem-solving situations and in a family discussion
concerning a moral dilemma. The observational data were coded by independen
t observers using dimensional ratings and dichotomous frequency counts as t
he 2 coding procedures. These procedures yielded a similar pattern of findi
ngs. Parents tended to behave consistently across situations, although the
type of situation did affect the amount of emotional warmth and guidance ma
nifested by the parent. Stability was further analyzed by means of structur
al equation modeling to test whether variance in parents' emotional warmth
and guidance across situations was attributable to a generalized parenting
style factor. A Parenting Style factor was identified that reflected the pa
rents' child-centeredness; this factor explained, in part, parental behavio
r within each situation, although contextual factors also contributed to si
tuation-specific variations from task to task.