The pattern of genetic covariation among traits (the G matrix) plays a cent
ral role in determining the pattern of evolutionary change from both natura
l selection and random genetic drift. Here we measure the effect of genetic
drift on the shape of the G matrix using a large data set on the inheritan
ce of wing characteristics in Drosophila mellanogaster. Fifty-two inbred li
nes with a total of 4680 parent-offspring families were generated by one ge
neration of brother-sister mating and compared to an outbred control popula
tion of 1945 families. In keeping with the theoretical expectation for a co
rrelated set of additively determined traits, the average G matrix of the i
nbred lines remained proportional to the outbred control G matrix with a pr
oportionality constant approximately equal to (1 - F), where F is the inbre
eding coefficient. Further, the pattern of covariance among the means of th
e inbred lines induced by inbreeding was also proportional to the within-li
ne G matrix of the control population with a constant very close to the exp
ectation of 2F. Although the average G of the inbred lines did not show cha
nge in overall structure relative to the outbred controls, separate analysi
s revealed a great deal of variation among inbred lines around this expecta
tion, including changes in the sign of genetic correlations. Since any give
n line can be quite different from the outbred control, it is likely that i
n nature unreplicated drift will lead to changes in the G matrix. Thus, the
shape of G is malleable under genetic drift, and the evolutionary response
of any particular population is likely to depend on the specifics of its e
volutionary history.