Av. Kanygin, The Ordovician phenomenon of explosive divergence of the Earth's organic realm: Causes and effects on the biosphere evolution, GEOL GEOFIZ, 42(4), 2001, pp. 631-667
The evolution of biosphere could be presented as the following processes: (
I) emergence of new ecologically specialized groups (guilds), providing a m
ore efficient use, transfer, and transformation of matter and energy in eco
systems; (2) spatial expansion of life throughout the Earth (gradual transi
tion of the biosphere from discrete to continual on exploration of new bion
omic zones and biotopes; (3) complication of the trophic structure of ecosy
stems (from simple Archean autotrophic-heterotrophic procaryotic systems to
the modern global ecosystem); (4) variations in the spatial and energetic
indices of biogeochemical cycles. In this context, the Ordovician can be re
garded as one of the greatest critical stages in the biosphere evolution. I
n the Ordovician, the emergence of new taxa (ecologic guilds) with better t
rophic adaptability in benthic associations and settling of pelagic zones i
n euphotic sea areas resulted in dramatic changes in marine ecosystems, whi
ch predetermined further evolution of marine biotas. The chief evolutionary
strategy of Precambrian marine organisms was to improve adaptation to phys
icochemical environmental settings by complication of biological organizati
on and separation of metabolic and reproductive functions within a body. In
the Early Cambrian, main phyla of marine invertebrates emerged, and multis
tage trophic realationships between autotrophs and heterotrophs, with divis
ion of ecologic functions, began to form. Adaptation to the biotic environm
ent became as evolutionarily important as adaptation to abiotic conditions.
Starting in the Ordovician, the ecologic mechanisms of organism interactio
n became the key factor of the evolutionary strategy in biota associations
owing to the gradual stabilization of the abiotic indices in sea basins.
New edificator groups first appeared in abundance in the Ordovician and rea
ched their acme in the Middle Ordovician: articulate brachiopods and sessil
e colonial (tabulates, tetracorals, heliolitoids, and stromatoporoids), agg
regated (crinoids), and colonial-aggregated (bryozoans) filter-feeding orga
nisms with carcass skeletons. This resulted in a breakdown of biotopes and
complication and heterogeneity or food webs. The lowest trophic level was d
ominated by ostracodes, first small hydrobiontic universal eaters simultane
ously belonging to several trophic levels and capable of a deeper transform
ation of organic matter. In the Ordovician, the pelagic zone became a const
ant rather than a facultative, as before, habitat for zooplanktonic and nek
tonic organisms: graptolites, radiolarians, conodontoforids, nautiloids, me
roplankton (mainly larvae of colonial organisms and brachiopods), pelagic t
rilobites, ostracodes, and early primitive fishes. In the Ordovician, a spa
tial rearrangement of the lowest trophic level - major producers - took pla
ce. This had a dramatic effect on the stage and lateral structure of trophi
c chains. Until the early Middle Ordovician, bottom cyanobacterial associat
ions, or meadows, were widespread in Late Precambrian and Early Paleozoic e
picontinental seas and were main photosynthesizing producers. At the Early-
Middle Ordovician boundary, the areas of these meadows decreased, and phyto
plankton became the main producer. The global ecologic event was accompanie
d by the greatest tin the Phanerozoic) burst of the diversity of Ordovician
marine biotas followed by rapid stabilization. Later the stability was mai
ntained by a phylogenetic succession of ecologically equivalent taxa supple
mented by replacement of some ecologic guilds at critical borderlines.
Thus, in the Ordovician, marine ecosystems became multistage, their trophic
structure became more complex, and a global closed biogeochemical cycle fo
rmed for the first time throughout the sea area. The Ordovician global biot
ic events matched large-scale geologic events (abrupt climatic changes, max
imum range of transgressions and regressions of epicontinental seas, change
s in Mg and Ca balance in marine sediments, increase in the content of oxyg
en in the Earth's atmosphere and hydrosphere, and formation of the ozone sc
reen). It is supposed that the appearance of the ozone screen and increase
in the content of oxygen in sea water had a determining impact on the settl
ing of the pelagic zone by heterotrophs and formation of coherent (ecologic
ally complete) benthic ecosystems. At the initial metastable stage of devel
opment of the ozone screen, dramatic fluctuations of biodiversity in bottom
and pelagic associations were determined by profound changes in spatial pa
rameters of sea shelves, the main habitat of life, which were caused by eus
tatic fluctuations of the World Ocean level. The Late Ordovician extinction
of marine biotas resulted from an abrupt shrinkage of the shelf habitat ca
used by a lowering of the World Ocean, which, in turn, resulted from the fi
xation of great volumes of water in continental glaciers after the Ordovici
an transgression maximum.