Chronical alcoholics are a challenge in therapy, especially if they have an
adverse course of illness and treatment as well as multiple resulting soma
tical and neurological diseases. In German treatment of alcoholics the term
'chronisch mehrfach geschadigte Alkoholkranke' (chronically multiple affec
ted alcoholics) has been established, describing patients with severe somat
ical and psychological disorders as well as social, professional, financial
or legal problems. Permanent or even temporary abstinence is hard to achie
ve for these patients. They are usually found in psychiatric hospitals rath
er than in addiction wards, but also in social services or even prisons. Re
habilitation is possible in mental state hospitals that accept patients wit
h dual diagnosis, sometimes even in special wards. Psychiatric co-morbidity
in alcoholics is often underestimated. This is most important for psychoti
c illness, as well as other psychic diseases. A special problem is posed by
delinquent patients that often have to be treated while in a penal institu
tion. Some of the follow-up studies done on that have shown relatively good
results in patients in penal institutions, but further studies are needed.
As of yet, recent treatment options in pharmacotherapy to prevent alcoholic
relapse are not sufficiently used. Anti-dipsotropics or so-called anti-cra
ving-agents like acamprosate and naltrexone are primarily given to increase
the rate of abstinence but could successfully be used in a harm reduction
strategy (less drinking, shorter relapses).