An ultrawideband (UWB) random-noise radar operating in the 1-2 GHz frequenc
y band has been developed and field-tested at a 200 m range at the Universi
ty of Nebraska. A unique heterodyne correlation technique based on a delaye
d transmitted waveform using a photonic delay line has been used to inject
coherence within this system. The performance of this radar, assuming a poi
nt target, has been investigated from a statistical point of view by develo
ping the theoretical basis for the system's receiver operating characterist
ics (ROC). Explicit analytical expressions for the joint probability densit
y function (pdf) of the in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) components of the r
eceiver output have been derived under the assumption that the input signal
s are partially correlated Gaussian processes. The pdf and the complementar
y cumulative distribution function (cdf) for the envelope of the receiver o
utput are also derived. These expressions are used to relate the probabilit
y of detection (P,) to the probability of false alarm (PI) for different nu
mbers of integrated samples, and the results are analyzed.