We examined how aggressive, affiliative, and sexual behavior function to in
tegrate male capuchins (Cebus apella) into a new social group. Nine males w
ere exchanged among four social groups. We performed instantaneous scans an
d all-occurrence sampling during baseline, introduction, and follow-up peri
ods. The study included three different introduction situations: 1) males f
amiliar to one another were introduced to a group with no other adult male,
2) males unfamiliar to one another were introduced to a group with no othe
r adult male, and 3) males familiar to one another were introduced to a gro
up with an existing elderly, resident male. Severe aggression occurred in s
ituations 2 and 3, but the introductions were peaceful in situation 1. In a
ll cases preceptive females were among the first individuals to affiliate w
ith the males, and males did Mot appear to compete for access to preceptive
females Following their period of proceptivity, the females that had cycle
d remained preferred social partners for the males immature animals also qu
ickly affiliated with the new males, and the males tolerated the attention
from immatures. Affiliative relationships between the males and nonprocepti
ve females developed slowly, and while male-female aggression was mild, agg
ression among adult males (familiar and unfamiliar) had the potential to be