Several materials have been used for heat-transfer tubing in light water re
actor steam generators, including Type 316 stainless steel (a few early uni
ts in the late 1960s), Alloy 600MA (mill annealed), Alloy 600TT (thermally
treated), Alloy 800Mod, and the current preference, Alloy 690TT. The suscep
tibility of Alloy 600MA (Ni-16Cr-9Fe) to stress-corrosion cracking led to e
xtensive corrosion studies to select and qualify a new material. Alloy 690T
T (Ni-30Cr-10Fe) was chosen in the mid-1980s as the best heat-transfer tubi
ng material, although Alloy 800Mod (Fe-33Ni-22Cr) remains an alternate choi
ce. The basis for selecting Alloy 690TT is briefly summarized, along with a
description of efforts to optimize tube manufacturing practices for corros
ion resistance. Efforts at further optimization are described, including pr
econditioning of the tubing by some form of in ner-diameter surface passiva
tion in order to minimize corrosion product release rates upon initial serv