The dynamical origins of product state distributions in the unimolecular di
ssociation of S-0 ketene, CH2CO ((X) over tilde (1)A(1))--> CH2((a) over ti
lde (1)A(1))+CO, are studied with ab initio molecular dynamics. We focus on
rotational distributions associated with ground vibrational state fragment
s. Trajectories are integrated between an inner, variational transition sta
te (TS) and separated fragments in both the dissociative and associative di
rections. The average rotational energy in both CO and CH2 fragments decrea
ses during the motion from the TS to separated fragments. However, the CO d
istribution remains slightly hotter than phase space theory (PST) predictio
ns, whereas that for CH2 ends up significantly colder than PST, in good agr
eement with experiment. Our calculations do not, however, reproduce the exp
erimentally observed correlations between CH2 and CO rotational states, in
which the simultaneous formation of low rotational levels of each fragment
is suppressed relative to PST. A limited search for nonstatistical behavior
in the strong interaction region also fails to explain this discrepancy. (
C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.