Background: Coronary artery bypass grafting (GABG) reoperation is being per
formed with increasing frequency. Aim: To assess the early and lung terra r
esults of coronary reoperations in our institution and to identify prognost
ic factor. Patients and methods: 214 patients subjected to coronary), reope
rations between 1983 and 1999 were retrospectively studied. Results: Mean a
ge was 64.2 years (range 42-79 years), 202 (94.4%) were male: and 12 (5.6%)
female. The mean interval between the operations wets 125.7 months (range
6-252 months). 10 (4,6%) were emergency surgeries. Overall operative mortal
ity was 5.6% (11 deaths) arid in 5 patients (3.4%) a perioperative myocardi
al infarction wets noted. Univariate analysis identified moderate or severe
left ventricular failure (p = 0.048) as predictor of increased operative m
ortality, meanwhile age over 75 years (p = 0.02) and moderate or severe lef
t ventricular failure (p = 0.01) were identified as predictors of increased
in hospital mortality in the multivariate analysis. Follow tip of in hospi
tal survivors (mean interval 65 months, range 4 to 190 mouths) documented a
5 years survival rate of 82.9%, a 10 years survival rate of 73.1% and a 15
years survival rate of 53.4%. Moderate or severe left ventricular failure
(p < 0.0001) and emergency surgeries (p = 0.007) were identified cis factor
s influencing the late survival in the stepwise logistical regression analy
sis. Multivariate analysis identified left ventricular failure (p = 0.01) a
nd peripheral vascular disease (p = 0.01) cts predictors of decreased late
survival. Conclusions: Coronary reoperation bets a low mortality in patient
s with a normal ventricular function and also bets (tit excellent overall a
nd disease five survival in the first 10 years of follow tip. Left ventricu
lar function is an independent risk factor increasing in hospital and late