In all research, quantitative as well as qualitative, we have to deal with
our presuppositions in order to remain open throughout the whole process of
inquiry. If we fail to do so the findings might be little more than a refl
ected image of something already existing in our understanding. The questio
n dealt with in this paper is; how can we gain increased openness by being
more aware of our presuppositions. The aim was to investigate the intention
al structure of pre-understanding and its effects upon data-collection as w
ell as data-analysis and conclusions in research. The question of pre-under
standing is central in Gadamer's philosophy, even if he is not the first on
e to discuss this concept. Gadamer further developed the philosophy of unde
rstanding. According to him pre-understanding is an intentional structure o
f feelings and thoughts, which is activated when we regard something as som
ething. By studying the structure of pre-understanding we became more aware
of its effect upon understanding. In this paper, theoretical frameworks wi
thin cognitive and social psychology as well as psychoanalytic object-relat
ion-theory were compared with Gadamer's philosophy concerning the condition
s of human understanding. Finally the possibility of increased openness in
the process of research was discussed. (Such openness is related to knowled
ge about the structure of pre-understanding.).