Four artificial diets were tested for rearing Harmonia axyridis (Pallas). T
he whole egg diet, which supported three generations of H. axyridis, produc
ed a survival rate of 82.5% in first generation H. axyridis (from first ins
tar to adult stage). The mean developmental period from first instar to adu
lt emergence was 23.1 days, and the average body weight at adult emergence
was 21.9 mg. The starch diet produced a first generation survival rate of 9
7.5%. The mean developmental period from first instar to adult emergence wa
s 23.2 days, and the average body weight at adult emergence was 25.5 mg. Du
e to time limitations, only two generations were tested on this diet. Grain
moth, Sitotroga cerealella Oliver, eggs and pink bollworm, Pectinophora go
ssypiella Saunders, eggs were used as control diets. Increasing feeding fre
quency from once every 48 h to once every 24 h did not improve larval survi
val rate, developmental period, or body weight. Feeding once every 48 h low
ered adult fecundity significantly.