BK virus is a human polyomavirus associated with a range of clinical presen
tations from asymptomatic viruria with pyuria to ureteral ulceration with u
reteral stenosis in renal transplant patients or hemorrhagic cystitis in bo
ne marrow transplant recipients. Infection of renal allografts has been ass
ociated with diminished graft function in some individuals. Fortunately, ho
wever, the majority of patients with BK virus infections are asymptomatic.
The type, duration, and intensity of immunosuppression are major contributo
rs to susceptibility to the activation of BK virus infection. Histopatholog
y is required for the demonstration of renal parenchymal involvement; urine
cytology and viral polymerase chain reaction methods are useful adjunctive
diagnostic tools. Current, treatment of immunosuppressed patients with pol
yomavirus viruria is largely supportive and directed toward minimizing immu
nosuppression. Improved diagnostic tools and antiviral therapies are needed
for polyomavirus infections.