The purpose of this investigation was to study subjective symptoms, me
dical and social situation, pulmonary function and physical work capac
ity during a period of 3-5 years in patients with the postpolio syndro
me. We evaluated 68 patients consecutively admitted to our hospital be
cause of postpolio syndrome, and re-evaluated 63 of the same patients
3-5 years later, 43 women and 20 men with mean age 55 +/- 10 (1 SD) ye
ars at the second evaluation. The patients answered a questionnaire ab
out their subjective symptoms and medical and social situation, and un
derwent spirometry as well as symptom-limited exercise stress testing.
Most patients experienced increasing symptoms and physical disability
related to their polio, while the majority reported that their mental
health were unchanged or improved. The lung function was in average m
oderately reduced of restrictive type, and only minor changes were fou
nd during the 3-5 years. A pronounced reduction in peak oxygen uptake
was seen at the first evaluation, especially in women. At the second e
xamination, peak oxygen uptake was further decreased, especially in me
n, more than predicted from increasing age. The patients increased the
ir body mass index significantly during the same period. These results
indicate that subjective symptoms and physical disability related to
polio increased with increasing age in these patients with the post-po
lio syndrome, and cardiorespiratory deconditioning and weight gain als
o became increasing problems in most patients. However, the mental sta
tus of the patients remained stable or improved, possibly due to our c
omprehensive re-rehabilitation and educational programme.