A long pollen record is derived from sediments of a lake dammed behind
a low moraine of the last glaciation at 3 degrees S latitude in the E
cuadorian Andes and is compared with a glacial age pollen record from
the Amazon rainforest immediately below, Lake Surucucho (Llaviucu) lie
s at 3180 m on the Amazonian flank of the Andes and above the glacial
age pollen record from San Juan Bosco at 970 m, The Surucucho pollen r
ecord is interpreted as showing treeless vegetation in glacial times,
advance of treeline in late-glacial time, and Holocene development of
modern Andean forests. Combining the Surucucho and San Juan Bosco reco
rds shows that Andean vegetation was affected by glacial cooling at al
l elevations, Vegetation did not move up and down slope as belts, Rath
er, plant associations were reformed as temperature-sensitive species
found different centers of distribution with changing temperature. (C)
1997 University of Washington.