What is the nature of reference work in the digital library? What is t
he role of the reference librarian where many users serve themselves b
y means of BIDS and other free-at-point-of-use services which emulate
the Bath original (e.g. MIDAS in Manchester and EDINA in Edinburgh)? H
ow is the concept of the 'reference desk' to be defined where points o
f presence for both users and librarians are distributed? Can assumpti
ons based on specialist roles and fixed locations migrate to the world
of virtual reference work? An Edinburgh-based research project is exp
loring these issues in the context of the enhanced regional communicat
ions now available through EaStMAN (Edinburgh and Stirling Metropolita
n Area Network). A major goal is for local HE institutions to explore
the possibilities afforded for collaborative reference work. The proje
ct team have completed preliminary work with the BIOSIS Abstracts serv
ice hosted by the EDINA consortium. In this paper; we present the resu
lts of an investigation of the experiences of risers and the work patt
erns of librarians and relate these to the design rationale of a proto
type Web-based network reference consultation support system. Our focu
s here is on typologies of user problems and expert response across va
rious media and genres of interaction. A pilot service is scheduled to
start in the autumn of 1997 and we plan to report on its use at a lat
er date.