Jl. Camicas et al., CRIMEAN-CONGO HEMORRHAGIC-FEVER IN SENEGA L - PRESENT STATUS OF THE KNOWLEDGE ON THE ECOLOGY OF THE CCHF VIRUS, Bulletin de la Societe de pathologie exotique et de ses filiales, 87(1), 1994, pp. 11-16
The authors finalize the knowledge on the ecology of the CCHF virus in
Senegal, West Africa, They specify two new major data for the underst
anding of the viral ecology in West Africa. The recognition of a bird
species, common and widely distributed in Senegal (Tockus erythrorhync
hus, Coraciiformes, Bucerotidae), that replicates the virus and infect
s the immature stages of its current parasite Hyalomma marginatum rufi
pes in more than 90 % of the cases, explains why the minimum infection
rate of the adults of this species of tick is always very high. The i
mplication of Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi in the viral ecology and/o
r a high efficiency of the transovarial transmission of the virus in H
y. m. rufipes would help to explain the maintenance of the endemy in t
he sahelian ar;ea. In the sahelian zone, Hy. marginatum rufipes must p
lay the leading part, together with Rh. e. evertsi if vector, for the
maintenance of the endemy. Hy. truncatum, the adults of which can read
ily bite man, ensures the vectorial transmission to him. In the sudani
an zone, Amblyomma variegatum must play the same part as the Hyalomma
and Rh. e. evertsi (if vector), and is surely the main vector to man,
giving perhaps rise to less virulent strains (non hemorrhagic ones).