Jp. Gouteux et al., TSETSE AND LIVESTOCK IN CENTRAL-AFRICAN-R EPUBLIC - A RETREAT OF GLOSSINA-MORSITANS SUBMORSITANS, Bulletin de la Societe de pathologie exotique et de ses filiales, 87(1), 1994, pp. 52-56
In the early 1960s, the most part of the Central African Republic was
located inside the distribution area of Glossina morsitans submorsitan
s Newst. Since the last distribution studies of this tsetse in CAR (in
1963), the number of cattle has increased from 400,000 to approximate
ly two millions, mainly of the Mbororo zebu breed. To set up the prese
nt distribution of G. m. submorsitans a study by trapping has been car
ried out in 27 livestock areas, regarding about 1,200 pastoralists' se
ttlements. Furthermore, north-south transects have been made using bot
h trapping (with bipyramidal traps laid every 2,000 meters) and net-ca
tching (within a car driving slowly). The result have shown the disapp
earance of G. m. submorsitans from the main livestock areas in the wes
t (Bouar, Bozoum, Bocaranga, Batangafo, Bossangoa, Paoua), centre (Bos
sembele, Bouca, Dekoa) and east (Bambari, Grimari, Ippy). The southern
border of the distribution area has been moved upwards to the north b
y up to 400 kilometres in the west of the country. This important retr
eat is discussed. It leads to a huge increase in the pastures availabl
e for the Mbororo pastoralists. Their access is still restricted in th
e centre-north and in the east by wild game reserves where G. m. submo
rsitans remains.