An interlaboratory validation study was undertaken to evaluate the rep
eatability and reliability of the Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay-Xeno
pus (FETAX), which is a whole embryo developmental toxicity screening
assay. A three-phase experimental program with seven participants was
carried out. Phase I was a training and protocol evaluation phase wher
e the identity of the three test materials was known. Hydroxyurea, iso
niazid and 6-aminonicotinamide were tested in Phase I. Because the che
micals has been tested previously in FETAX, the same concentrations ne
eded to establish the 96-h median lethal concentration (LC(50)) and th
e concentration inducing malformations in 50% of the surviving embryos
(EC(50)) were used by all laboratories. The results of Phase I are pr
esented in this report, and FETAX has proved to be as repeatable and r
eliable as many other bioassays. Some excess variation was observed in
individual laboratories. Some of this variation may have been due to
training difficulties. One change in protocol design necessitated by t
his study was the use of 6-aminonicotinamide as a reference toxicant.
While 6-aminonicotinamide provided excellent concentration-response da
ta in most laboratories, the protocol was written too strictly based o
n historical FETAX data. Phases II and m are currently in progress.