Refrigeration and air-conditioning systems, when operating under large
temperature differences between the condenser and evaporator, consume
significant amounts of energy. A vapor-compression refrigeration cycl
e with a mechanical subcooling loop to increase system performance and
reduce energy consumption is investigated by using both the first and
second laws of thermodynamics. Although the first-law (energy-balance
) approach to system analysis shows improvement in the system coeffici
ent of performance (COP) with an increase in the temperature differenc
e between the condenser and evaporator, it fails to locate sources of
losses. Identifying and quantifying these sources can be a useful desi
gn tool, especially in developing or investigating new, more complex r
efrigeration cycles. A second-law analysis (in terms of irreversibilit
y) has been carried out for both the simple and the vapor-compression
refrigeration cycle with a mechanical subcooling loop. It is found tha
t the performance of the system can be significantly improved by reduc
ing the irreversibilities due to the expansion process. The low-temper
ature refrigeration system, when operating at the optimum subcooler sa
turation temperature, may have the following features: (i) 85% reducti
on in power input; (ii) 65% percent lower irreversibility rate; (iii)
20% reduction in the total refrigerant flow-rate.