An analysis is made of the various mechanisms contributing to the (n,d
) reaction on the Ni-58, Cu-63 and Cu-65 nuclei at incident energies u
p to 15 MeV. It is shown that the main contribution is given by the pi
ck-up process. The statistical contributions are small, especially for
Cu-65. A model of the (n, d) knock-out reaction, in which restriction
s on the available phase space for the proton and the neutron in the d
euteron after the knock-out are imposed by a Pauli-blocking function,
is suggested and applied. The model is close to that for quasi-deutero
n photo-absorption and the (n, alpha) knock-out model previously devel
oped. It is shown that the knock-out contribution calculated within th
is model is generally small, but it leads to some improvement of the d
escription of the existing data for the (n, d) reaction on the three n
uclei considered in the low-energy interval.