Aims/background-Females with Turner syndrome commonly exhibit ophthalm
ological abnormalities, although there is little information in the li
terature documenting findings specific to Turner syndrome mosaics. Oph
thalmic findings are described in four patients with mosaic Turner syn
drome. All had anterior chamber abnormalities and all four had karyoty
pic abnormalities with a 45, X cell line. The possible relation betwee
n the karyotypic and the phenotypic findings in these patients is disc
ussed. Methods-Four girls with mosaic Turner syndrome underwent a full
ophthalmological assessment, including examination under anaesthesia
where indicated. Results-Three of the four patients presented with con
genital glaucoma. Two had the karyotype 45, X/46, X, idic(Y) and one a
45, X/47, XXX karyotype. The remaining child had a Rieger malformatio
n of the iris and the karyotype 45, X/46, X, r(X). Conclusions-These f
indings suggest that Turner syndrome mosaicism (where there are two ab
normal cell lines) is associated with anterior segment dysgenesis. The
findings in these four patients are compared with those seen in other
mosaic phenotypes and it is postulated that the presence of two or mo
re genetically different cell lines may have an adverse effect on ante
rior segment development.