Objectives. To study the different etiopathogenic, microbiological, cl
inical, evolutive, and therapeutic aspects in patients with pyogenic l
iver abscesses, with a special emphasis in the usefulness of imipenem-
cilastatin therapy. Materials and methods, The clinical records of 59
patients with liver abscesses (45 single abscess and 14 multiple absce
sses) diagnosed at our institution in the last eleven years were studi
ed. Results. The most common predisposing conditions included biliary
(35.6%) and colon (15.3%) diseases, and abdominal trauma (15.3%). The
microorganisms responsible for these abscesses included E. coli, Bacte
roides spp., and different streptococci, CT and/or abdominal echograph
y were the diagnostic techniques most commonly used. Twenty-three pati
ents were treated with percutaneous drainage and antibiotics, 22 with
surgical drainage and antibiotics, 6 with both types of drainage and a
ntibiotics, and 8 exclusively with antibiotics. Twenty-three patients
received imipenem (1 g/IV/8 h) and 29 other antibiotics. Twelve patien
ts died and 9 required admission at the ICU. With regard to patients t
reated with imipenem, 17 (73.9%) cured, 3 of them (one single abscess
and two multiple abscesses) without drainage. Two patients treated wit
h imipenem (8.7%) and 4 treated with other antibiotics (13.8%) relapse
d. Conclusions. Imipenem can be a useful antibiotic in association wit
h percutaneous or surgical drainage for the treatment of pyogenic live
r abscesses.