Manifestations of dementia occurred in two young patients with dissemi
nated lupus erythematosus who had no signs of focalized neurological d
eficit. In case I followed for 8 years, a probably autonomous and fami
lial psychiatric syndrome was complicated during a lupus flare-up by a
prolonged dementia syndrome which regressed to a large extent. In the
second patient with moderate dementia and familial hearing loss. seve
re mental deterioration suddenly occurred with long-term degradation o
f the cognitive capacity. In both of these cases with neurolupus, the
frontal clinical signs, the neuropsychological deficits evidenced at t
esting, and the lesions demonstrated at CT scan and magnetic resonance
imaging favored a frontal and/or frontobasal type dementia. Treatment
with cyclophosphamide was effective in case I after failure of cortic
osteroid therapy.