E. Bergers et al., RELIABLE DNA HISTOGRAM INTERPRETATION - NUMBER OF NUCLEI REQUIRING MEASUREMENT WITH FLOW-CYTOMETRY, Analytical and quantitative cytology and histology, 19(4), 1997, pp. 277-284
OBJECTIVE: The reasons for conflicting prognostic results as to DNA pl
oidy and cell cycle variables (DNA index, percent S (%S) phase) may be
found mainly at different levels of the flow cytometric methodology u
sed. The present study concentrated on how many nuclei have to be meas
ured with flow cytometry for reliable DNA histogram interpretation. ST
UDY DESIGN: Twenty-three samples of fresh frozen and 22 samples of par
affin-embedded material from different sites were used. For each sampl
e, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 (x1,000) events were cumul
atively measured. The resulting DNA histograms were analyzed with the
MultiCycle computer program using a highly reproducible interpretation
protocol. RESULTS: No disagreements about DNA ploidy classification w
ere found in samples with 10,000 or more events for the fresh frozen a
nd 40,000 or more events for the paraffin-embedded material. Excluding
DNA ploidy disagreements, the DNA index was stable in all cases. To o
btain a %S-phase cell measurement within 20% of the reference value, a
t least 20,000 and 40,000 events were needed for, respectively, DNA di
ploid and DNA nondiploid cases for the fresh frozen material and, resp
ectively, 40,000 and 50,000 events for the paraffin-embedded material.
CONCLUSION: For reliable combined determination of DNA ploidy, DNA in
dex and %S-phase cells, at least 40,000 and 50,000 events are necessar
y for fresh frozen and paraffin-embedded material, respectively.