Patients under oral anticoagulation with coumarin derivatives have a v
ariable perioperative thromboembolic risk which necessitates continuat
ion of their thromboembolic prophylaxis during elective and emergency
surgery Because of their better handling unfractionated heparin and lo
w-molecular-weight heparins are used most often for this purpose. The
overlapping effect of coumarin and heparin therapy requires a close da
ily monitoring of the clotting inhibition (partial thromboplastin time
, thromboplastin time, thrombin time). In elective surgery coumarin th
erapy is interrupted 2-3 days preoperatively: in emergency cases vitam
in K or fresh frozen plasma have to be substituted, Patients under hep
arin therapy or prophylaxis are easier to handle, because the effect o
f heparin disappears in a few hours after stopping the treatment. In t
he immediate postoperative phase the heparin application is interrupte
d for 6 h because of increased bleeding risk, It is important to take
into account additional risk factors like the underlying disease, dist
urbances of platelet function, liver diseases and renal insufficiency.