Neural tube defects (NTDs) are ubiquitous, but their incidence varies
according to geographical location, ethnicity and socio-economic statu
s, Recent evidence has documented that their occurrence and recurrence
can be reduced significantly by periconceptual supplementation with f
olic acid. In consequence, governments, nationally acid internationall
y, have recommended periconceptual folic acid supplementation for all
women considering a pregnancy, and more specifically those who have pr
eviously given birth to a child with an NTD, The US government has als
o legislated for the fortification of specific grain products with fol
ic acid, South African dietary intake studies have concluded that foli
c acid intake in rural black women of childbearing age is insufficient
. Until now, most of the research undertaken to elucidate the causes o
f NTDs, and the recommendations for their prevention, have originated
from the First World. Given the factors that affect their incidence, i
t is essential that appropriate research be undertaken in South Africa
before further recommendations are made for the prevention of NTDs in
this country.