We examine the possibility that big-bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) may pro
duce nontrivial amounts of Li-6. If a primordial component of this iso
tope could be observed, it would provide a new fundamental test of big
-bang cosmology, as well as new constraints on the baryon density of t
he universe. At present, however, theoretical predictions of the primo
rdial Li-6 abundance are extremely uncertain due to difficulties in bo
th theoretical estimates and experimental determinations of the H-2(al
pha, gamma)Li-6 radiative capture reaction cross section. We also argu
e that present observational capabilities do not yet allow the detecti
on of primeval Li-6 in very metal-poor stars of the galactic halo. How
ever, if the critical cross section is very high in its plausible rang
e and the baryon density is relatively low, then improvements in Li-6
detection capabilities may anew the establishment of Li-6 as another p
roduct of BBN. It is also doted that a primordial Li-6 detection could
help resolve current concerns about the extragalactic D/H determinati