We suggest that highly conducting oriented polymers with a fibril stru
cture can be modeled by a regular lattice of disordered metallic wires
with a random first-neighbor interwire coupling which mimics the cros
s links between fibrils. We determine the position of the metal-insula
tor transition (MIT) as a function of interwire cross-link concentrati
on, interwire coupling J, and number M of polymer chains in a wire. Tw
o different approaches are used. The first one is based on the self-co
nsistent diagrammatic theory of Anderson localization. In the second a
pproach, we show that the MIT can be described by a nonlinear sigma mo
del. For M = 1, we find that a small value of J favors the metallic st
ate while a large value of J induces localization in agreement with re
cent numerical calculations. When M much greater than 1, an increase o
f J always favors a delocalization of the electronic states in agreeme
nt with a previous analytical analysis.