Purpose. To assess the feasibility, reliability, and validity of an ob
jective structured clinical examination (OSCE) for psychiatric clinica
l clerks. Method. In 1995 two parallel forms of a ten-station OSCE (ei
ght clinical stations, two writing stations) were developed at the Uni
versity of Toronto Faculty of Medicine. Each 12-minute performance-bas
ed clinical station was assessed by a faculty psychiatrist using both
a checklist for each student's performance content and a global-rating
scale of the performance process. The students' clinical-station scor
es were calculated as the average of their content and process scores
(expressed as percentages). Examiners also recorded an overall judgmen
t of each student's performance (pass, borderline, or fail) and wrote
[in collaboration with the standardized patient (SP) at that station]
comments on each student's performance. There were two criteria for a
passing grade: a total mark of 60% or higher across all ten stations a
nd a ''pass'' or ''borderline'' mark in at least five of the eight cli
nical stations. Each OSCE form was administered three times. Results.
The first form was used to examine 94 clerks, the second form to exami
ne 98 clerks. The students' mean scores for the two forms were 70.47%
(SD, 6.33%) and 67.66% (SD, 7.05%), respectively. In addition to the s
tandard evaluation information collected on the students, several crit
ical incidents occurred (e.g., a student's loss;of control of emotions
) that may identify potential problems in professional conduct. The di
rect cost for one administration of the examination was approximately
Can$3,300: the largest portion of this was for the SPs' time spent in
training and performing their roles. Conclusion. Preliminary evidence
suggests that a psychiatry OSCE is feasible for assessing complex psyc
hiatric skills. However, careful attention must be paid to SP training
, examination monitoring, detection of critical incidents, and provisi
on of feedback to students, faculty, and SPs. The university's previou
s system of oral examinations required approximately 600 faculty hours
per year. The OSCE requires approximately 450 faculty hours, and the
150 hours saved almost cover the Can$20,000 that the examination costs
each year. In all, the OSCE is an evaluation system that has demonstr
able reliability and is more enjoyable for both the faculty and the st