J. Lauzeral et al., DESYNCHRONIZATION OF CELLS ON THE DEVELOPMENTAL PATH TRIGGERS THE FORMATION OF SPIRAL WAVES OF CAMP DURING DICTYOSTELIUM AGGREGATION, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United Statesof America, 94(17), 1997, pp. 9153-9158
Whereas it is relatively easy to account for the formation of concentr
ic (target) waves of cAMP in the course of Dictyostelium discoideum ag
gregation after starvation, the origin of spiral waves remains obscure
, We investigate a physiologically plausible mechanism for the spontan
eous formation of spiral waves of cAMP in D. discoideum, The scenario
relies on the developmental path associated with the continuous change
s in the activity of enzymes such as adenylate cyclase and phosphodies
terase observed during the hours that follow starvation, These changes
bring the cells successively from a nonexcitable state to an excitabl
e state in which they relay suprathreshold cAMP pulses, and then to au
tonomous oscillations of cAMP, before the system returns to an excitab
le state, By analyzing a model for cAMP signaling based on receptor de
sensitization, we show that the desynchronization of cells on this dev
elopmental path triggers the formation of fully developed spirals of c
AMP, Developmental paths that do not correspond to the sequence of dyn
amic transitions no relay-relay-oscillations-relay are less able or fa
il to give rise to the formation of spirals.