Forty-six near-adult pigs (mean age 10 months, mean weight 156 kg) wer
e anaesthetised for laparoscopy. After intramuscular azaperone (1.0 mg
/kg) and ketamine (2.5 mg/kg), 14 of the pigs received intravenous eto
midate (200 mu g/kg) and midazolam (100 mu g/kg) and 17 were given ket
amine (2 mg/kg) and midazolam (100 mu g/kg). The other 15 pigs were an
aesthetised with pentobarbitone (15 to 20 mg/kg) without pre-anaesthet
ic medication. The duration and adequacy of anaesthesia, recovery rate
, and seven physiological variables (ECG, heart rate, indirect arteria
l blood pressure, respiratory rate, minute volume, mean end-tidal carb
on dioxide concentration and percentage oxygen saturation of haemoglob
in) were compared. Repeated injections were needed in 29 of the 46 cas
es. Pentobarbitone was the least satisfactory drug because although th
e haemodynamic variables were greater, it caused more respiratory depr
ession and a higher overall complication rate than the other methods.
Apnoea occurred in two pigs, and was fatal in one, and positive pressu
re ventilation with oxygen was needed in three others. Intubation cond
itions were poorer and the times to standing, walking and rooting were
longer in the pigs anaesthetised with pentobarbitone.